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Year 5

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  • Week beg 24th June

    Published 28/06/24, by Caroline Schmidt

    Please complete your homework for Monday 

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  • Year 5 blog

    Published 21/06/24, by Melanie Anderson

    Week beg: 17.06.24

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  • Week beg Mon 10th June

    Published 14/06/24, by Caroline Schmidt

    Please remember to practice your spellings, read for an AR quiz and complete your homework

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  • Week beg 3 June

    Published 09/06/24, by Caroline Schmidt

    Please remember to practise spellings and TTRockstars as well as your homework sheets for Monday.

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  • Week beg 6th May

    Published 12/05/24, by Susan Tarpey

    Please practise your lines for the play - first performance is Friday

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  • Spellings

    Published 08/05/24, by Melanie Anderson

    Wk beg: 07.05.24

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  • Song Lyrics for performance

    Published 02/05/24, by Susan Tarpey

    Please practice the songs and lyrics ahead of our performance

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  • New spellings

    Published 29/04/24, by Melanie Anderson

    Week beg: 29.04.24

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  • Blog - 22.04.24

    Published 27/04/24, by Melanie Anderson

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • New spellings for week beg 22nd April

    Published 21/04/24, by Caroline Schmidt

    New spellings for week beg Mon 22nd April (quiz on April 29th)

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  • First week of Summer Term

    Published 21/04/24, by Caroline Schmidt

    Remember to have homework ready for Monday, inc 30 minutes of TTRockstars, spelling practice and reading please.

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  • Week beg 11th March

    Published 15/03/24, by Caroline Schmidt

    Spelling rule ei (i before e except after c, with a few exceptions): perceive, conceive, deceive, receive, receipt,    caffeine, protein, seize, either, neither 

    Homework: x2  15 minutes TTRockstars, spelling practice, SPAG and arithmetic practice due in Monday. Homework club will be held on Wednesday. 

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