Practise some of the following common exception words: great, break, steak, because, again, even, people, find, kind, mind, wild, child(ren), climb, old, cold, gold, hold, fold, told, most, only, clothes, both, hello.
This week has been a super week in Year 2!
Hugo has really enjoyed our shared reader this week, where we have been practising reading to develop our fluency, and even performed our favourite animal poems to our friends!
Jesse has enjoyed getting outside to collect our natural materials ready to fill our newly made Bug Houses next week. We can't wait to share these with you on Friday at koinonia!
Bode has enjoyed our first rehearsal of the play where we teamed up with Year 4 to sing some of the songs and to share our fabulous dances!
Jacob has enjoyed learning all about the different 2D and 3D shapes. We have learned how to count the number of sides, the number of vertices and we have even learned about lines of symmetry. Reuben knows that a line of symmetry shows us that both sides of the shape are exactly the same, and can be vertical, horizontal or even diagonal.
George enjoyed PE this week where we have practised dribbling a range of balls with our feet showing control and coordination.
Just one more week to go until we can sit back and relax... the children have worked so hard and deserve a well-deserved rest!
Have a lovely weekend!
Miss Freeman and the Year 2 Team