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  • Investigation 30.06.22

    Published 30/06/22, by Christina Farmer

    This morning, we looked at a real-life problem, willow trees used for cricket bats are starting to dwindle in numbers.  Luckily, scientist have found a good alternative in bamboo.

    We then completed some investigation ourselves by looking at different materials and their bounciness.  

    In the afternoon, we wrote up our investigations and reflected on our hypothesis.

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  • Chemistry 28.06.22

    Published 28/06/22, by Christina Farmer

    Chemistry - the study of states of matter.

    Today, we had guest speakers coming in to assembly to speak to us about the different types of careers in the field of science.

    We finished folding our origami antibodies.

    We discussed the enquiry question about what would happen if water did not evaporate and the impact it would have on us and the planet.

    In the afternoon, using our knowledge of the states of water, we tried to build the tallest ice tower.

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  • 27.06.22 Science Week - Biology

    Published 27/06/22, by Christina Farmer

    Today was the start of our Science Week, and we started with biology (study of living things).

    We started the day with a Science assembly where we watched various experiments that helped us to discover how density of matter makes some liquids float on top of others and how this can create a 'lava lamp' with the introduction of carbon dioxide, how air pressure can push an egg into a bottle, how air resistance and density or different gases allowed Nemo to fly across the hall and how we almost made icecream with the help of salt.

    During the day, we made up our own exercise routine, without the use of equipment, to help us maintain a heathy lifestyle. We also practised the crucial skills of being a scientist - resilience, patience and creativity - when making an origami model of an antibody. Using microscopes, we had a detailed look at some materials close up and discovered how they were formed.

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  • 24.06.22 Blog

    Published 24/06/22, by Christina Farmer

    This week we have lots of fun with lots of practical work in the sunshine.

    Talk homework - Explain to someone what we should do when someone is having an asthma attack.

    Matilda enjoyed composing pieces of music for the scenes from our CLPE reading book.

    Mihai and Betsy enjoyed learning how to draw symmetrical shapes in Maths as well as using cord to create 3D shapes.

    Annabelle liked how Father David taught us about the different sections of the church whilst we were there for our RE lesson.

    Riley enjoyed practising how to bat in rounders in PE whilst Jack B. liked running around the field playing tag games.

    Isla and Isabella enjoyed writing our diary entries in English and expressing our emotions after a dramatic event in the CLPE story.

    Aiden liked experimenting with solar cells and batteries in Science.

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  • 10.06.22 Blog

    Published 10/06/22, by Christina Farmer

    Spelling on Monday - expression, discussion, confession, permission, admission, impression, obsession, procession, omission, concussion.

    Cole, Isabella and Aiden are enjoying learning about the Yao people for our new CPLE book in English.  Sebastian loved writing up the fact files about the Yao people, and today Jakub had fun creating our villages based on our research.

    Mihai liked practising throwing and catching for rounders in PE.

    Riley enjoyed learning money in Maths and using our decimal knowledge.

    In PHSE, Matilda found it very interesting exploring the difference between boasting and being proud.

    In Science, Jack B. enjoyed learning about pylons and how electricity is transported about the country.

    Iris loved watching GenR8 in our assembly.

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  • 20.05.2022

    Published 19/05/22, by Christina Farmer

    Spelling words for Monday’s test - invention, injection, action, hesitation, completion, stagnation, nomination, migration, conservation, selection

    Talk homework – ask us the time throughout the day (12/24 hr).  We can also explain what am and pm means.

    We have had a fantastic week and been making the most of the weather.  In English, we planned our predicted ending for our Power of Reading book using exciting verbs and descriptive adjectives.

    We have completed our learning on time this week, and we can now tell the time in both 12 and 24 hours.

    We had new Science books this week and wrote out our first investigation on conductors and insulators.

    In DT, we planned the fruit kebabs we are going to make using local and seasonal fruits.

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  • 21.04.22 Blog

    Published 22/04/22, by Christina Farmer

    Gentle reminder of the summer school uniform -  long hair should be tied back with hair accessories that are either black, brown or white and– see links for details  

    Buckden C.E. Primary School - Uniform ( 

    Talk homework – complete and discuss the Being Active sheet.

    Monday – spelling test / reading records

    • naughty, caught, fraught, automatic, astronaut, cause, author, applaud, taught, audience

    We have had a busy start back to the summer term:

    Aiden and Isabella enjoyed doing cartwheels in the sunshine during our PE session.

    In Maths, Riley liked learning how to write tenths in decimals as well as fractions.

    In English, Matilda is enjoying reading our new CLPE book and Seb like giving advice to our character about what they should do after overhearing some unsettling news.

    Mihai liked learning about our Sustainable Development goal for this term – no poverty.

    Isabella enjoyed singing assembly where we practised a well-known song.

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  • 01.04.22

    Published 01/04/22, by Christina Farmer

    After our exciting time at Grafham, we have had two creative days in school.

    The first day we spent making musical instruments in Science to learn about vibrations and pitch.

    Today, we have finished our Skills Builder project of Brilliant Books and built our dream reading spaces.  There were some very inventive designs.

    Hope you all have a great Easter break and get plenty of rest.  Do not forget to practise your timestables.

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  • 25.03.2022

    Published 25/03/22, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework is singing homework this week - Multiplication songs

    This week we have focused on how to find fractions of a whole.  We also listened to multiplication songs to help us get ready for our tests in June.

    In English, we have looked at fronted adverbials, expanded noun phrases with prepositional phrase and using inverted  commas in great detail.

    We are looking forward to our trip next week!

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  • 21.03.22 Home Learning

    Published 18/03/22, by Christina Farmer

    Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.

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  • 18.30.22

    Published 18/03/22, by Christina Farmer

    Talk homework – what are stereotypes and why might they be harmful?

    Spelling words -

    This week in Maths we have been learning about equivalent fractions, 1/5 = 2/10.  Watch this video to recap on the lesson.

    In English, we wrote a respectful letter to Mr Irons to inform him of the circumstances of the new boy at school based on Power of Reading book. We also used our listening and speaking skills to hold a debate in the classroom.

    We had a fun time using modroc to create our suffragette badge and will be completing these next week.

    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

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  • 14.03.22 Home Learning

    Published 11/03/22, by Christina Farmer
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