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  • End of year blog - Newt

    Published 16/07/23, by Admin

    This week Newt have had an enjoyable final week of term.

    In English, we have finished our story of The Tin Forest and all the class produced their own storyboard to represent the main parts of the book. They then spent Friday morning picking their favourite book from this year and produced a puppet show to present back to the rest of the class. There was a lot of imagination and excellent story telling for the stories chosen, including: Ug, Why the Whales Came, The Pebble in my Pocket, Lob and The Tin Forest.

    In Maths, we completed some work on column multiplication as in introduction for year 4 maths. For the remainder fo the week we completed a range of problem-solving activities, including these NRICH activities: (They all particularly enjoyed this activity)

    In Science, we clarified our understanding of how light travels as well as how we can keep our eyes safe by protecting them in sunlight and what can cause damage to ours eyes, including the sun and lasers.

    In Geography, we had an exploratory lesson discussing why all maps face North and what are their origins. We looked at maps of the world which face South or with a different country in the middle other than the UK.  

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  • Blog 07/07/2023

    Published 07/07/23, by Admin
    This week was transition week and all of year 3 were given opportunity to meet their new teachers for year 4, they spent the time with their new teachers getting to know them and learning about the new class names for next year. They are very ex
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  • Blog 23/06/2023

    Published 23/06/23, by Admin

    Talk homework - Explain how light is needed to see things and that darkness is the absence of light.

    Spellings - 'ture' 'sure' suffixes

    Maths - x2 x10 x5 x3 x4 x8 

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  • Blog 16/06/2023

    Published 16/06/23, by Admin

    Talk homework - discuss with your adult the names of all the 2-D shapes you can remember, see if you can get all the way up to a 10 sided shape.

    Spellings: words that end in -ture or -tcher.

    English: We have been learning more about our story (which we don't even know the name of yet). We have drawn our own picture for the old man's dream which was about a wild, exotic jungle full of animals and other creatures. We ended the week writing a poem about the old man's dream and reality. 

    Maths: We have been learning about parallel, perpendicular, vertical and horizontal lines. We have used this knowledge to identify 2-D and 3-D shapes. On Thursday, we used a bag to hide a 3-D shape and described what it felt like so others in the class good guess what they were. 

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  • Blog 09/06/2023

    Published 12/06/23, by Admin

    Spelling -  (t)cher and (t)ure (e.g. catcher, teacher, pleasure, pressure, picture) 

    Maths - Times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars: Play ( 

    Talk homework - What might the man be dreaming about in our book? 

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  • Week 27 - Blog 21/04/2023

    Published 21/04/23, by Admin
    Talk homework - What tools did they use in the Stone Age? Maths - x2 x5 x4 on TT Rockstars Reading - continue to record on Boom Reader Lola has enjoyed Maths where we have learnt more about fractions and enjoyed English learning about our kn
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  • Week 24 - Blog 24/03/2023

    Published 25/03/23, by Admin
    Talk homework - Keep practising your lines for the play performances next week. Maths - x2 x5 x4  Reading - continue to record on Boom Reader Spelling - vague, league, plaque, fatigue, unique, grotesque, dialogue, plague We have enjo
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  • Week 23 - Blog 17/03/2023

    Published 17/03/23, by Admin
    Talk homework - Who were the aboriginal people in Australia? Maths - x2 x5 x4  Reading - continue to record on Boom Reader  Spellings - anchor, echo, scheme, monarch, chemist, character, school, stomach Harry J enjoyed art where
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  • Week 23 - 10/03/2023

    Published 10/03/23, by Admin
    Talk homework - Discuss if the buildings arr good or bad for the Varmints? Maths - x2 x5 x4  Reading - continue to record on Boom Reader  Spellings - address, mention, arrive, occasionally, certainly, probably, experience, reign, h
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  • Week 22 - Blog 03/03/2023

    Published 03/03/23, by Admin
    Talk homework - explain how to measure accurately.  Maths - x2 x5 x4  Reading - continue to record on Boom Reader  Spellings - basically, automatically, historically, specifically, frantically, logically, magically, publicly,
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  • Week 21 - Blog 24/02/2023

    Published 24/02/23, by Admin
    Talk homework - How can you treat a sting or bite? Maths - practice x5 x2  Spellings: terrible, article, battle, possible, adjustable, settle, humble, example, struggle, capable. Reading - continue to read and record on Boom Reader 
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  • Week 20 - 10/02/2023

    Published 10/02/23, by Admin
    Talk homework - What should Gracie, Daniel and the Birdman do with the Narwhal on the beach? Maths - practice x5 x2  Reading - continue to read and record on Boom Reader  Archer and Isla P really enjoyed gymnastics because we used
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