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11th June 2021

Talk homework — learn about the country you have chosen for Euro 2021. What food do they eat? What does their flag look like? What do their traditional clothes look like? How do they say hello? Where in the world is it located? What is the weather like?

Daily Reading

Monday began with the special occasion of releasing our butterflies. Some of them were quite determined not to leave us and came back to fly past us. 

Our new topic of Around the World in 28 Days has had us first thinking about where in the world we live. We talked about living in the United Kingdom and learnt that our county is Cambridgeshire and that Buckden is our village. We created our own model village across the whole classroom floor including all the facilities we recognised on Google Earth. 

In Literacy, we have started to read a new book, Anna Hibiscus Splash. It is a beautiful story set in Africa. We shared our own experiences of visiting the beach and created our own seaside in our outdoor classroom. The children all did the most amazing writing about Anna and how she was feeling as she played in the sea. 

For maths we have been counting in multiples and skip counting. The children have loved the Scratch Garden songs on youtube to support this. We hand printed with water to make high fives, printed in dough with 2, 5 and 10p coins and looked at how these multiples create patterns on a 100 square.

In PSHE we have learnt about how to manage money by playing a large scale 'Game of Life' type game where you earn money and then can buy things. The children quickly realised you can't always afford everything you want to buy and have to save or wait a while.