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Friday 18th June 2021

Talk homework: Can you look at home and find any books that you have with dragons in them. Choose one and if you are allowed can you bring it to school to use next week.

This morning, Liv enjoyed writing dictation sentences to show everything she has learnt this year. Liv also enjoyed showing that she knows the difference between commands, exclamations, statements and questions. Well done Liv! Kian really loved making up what might happen next in our Egg Box Dragon story. He thought that Egg Box would come to life and start a bonfire with his sparks. Then he smashed a building to the ground! He even burnt a shiny, black car with anger and fear like thunder. Finally, he flew along a road and caused a crash. It was a very adventurous story. Reenie loved to draw a Lowry picture yesterday making sure that she used the whole page and drew the buildings in the same way that Lowry had. This week we have been learning to tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. It has been a challenge but some of us can do it. We continued to learn our gym movements this week under the trees outside in the shade which was lovely. The greatest day was Tuesday when we had a surprise visit from a Hot air balloon. It really was so exciting. I was so impressed with how the children behaved on such an extraordinary day so that we could really enjoy it.

Have a lovely weekend.

Sessions class