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2nd July 2021

Talk Homework- Discuss which races you want to take part in for sports day as Mrs Woodward will be asking you on Monday. The choices are- long race, sprint race, shuttle bean bag race, egg and spoon, relay race. You can do as many as you wish but must choose at least 2.

Reading- At least 3 times a week please. We haven't heard you child read for the past 2 weeks in school due to science week and transition week. We will hear them all as usual next week. We have been doing lots of other reading around our learning.

This week has been an exciting one with all the children meeting their new Year 1 teachers and learning with them for 3 days. It was lovely to hear from the teacher's how much they enjoyed these days.

Back in Reception and the children had two days of learning about capacity. This involved lots of water play and wet sleeves! We used vocabulary- full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty, half full and half empty. We then compared 2 containers to find out which one held the most liquid, having the greater capacity. 

For literacy we have read 'Puffin Peter' and enjoyed finding out more about puffins including that they dig holes for nests and that their young are called pufflings. Today we wrote letters for the new children who will start in Reception to help them feel that they have a friend.

We also learnt about Australia this week. We baked damper bread and ate it, watched Mrs Woodward attempt to play the digereedoo and created some lovely Aboriginal inspired painting on boomerangs.