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Friday 10th September

Talk Homework:  Find out about and discuss the recent news story involving Geronimo the Alpaca - what are your views on this story?  Please bring in a newspaper for our English lesson on Tuesday.

Emma:  In English we have started reading a book called The Last Wild.  I really enjoyed creating a freeze-frame of the scene where Kester sees Selwyn Stone enter the large skyscraper where he is a manager.

Sofia:  I have really enjoyed starting in Year 6.  I like being the eldest in the school and am enjoying our lessons.

Valarie:  This week we had the opportunity to apply to become a Sports Captain.  Some people wrote speeches and we all got to listen to them.  Our Sports and House Captains were announced today.  We have also had the chance to volunteer for other special roles such as Buckden Parliament, Library Monitor, Music Organiser in Assembly, Eco Warrior, Skills Champion and Collective Worship Representative,