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22nd June 2018

Talk homework: Talk about everything you did in Science Week!

This week has been Science week and has been incredible. The children were tasked to make a model to transport to take a toy giraffe over a small distance. This idea came from a book we read a couple of months ago in English called Ziraffa Geraffa, in which Ziraffa needed to travel across France. The week was focussing on the S.T.E.M. subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths). The task to build a vehicle that would hopefully move, encompassed all of these subjects. Equally importantly, the children were encouraged to include skills including: aiming high, staying positive, imagination, team work, leadership skills, listening skills and problem solving. To encourage these skills, as teams the children could collect skill stickers and aimed to collect a full set of stickers. The week was composed of planning, building, problem solving and evaluating. Not only did the children have to develop and build a vehicle they then had to prepare a structured presentation to explain everything that they had done. We even managed to fit in some extensive writing when the children wrote using persuasive language to explain why their vehicle was the best to take Ziraffa across France. Thank you so much for the parent helpers who came in this week to help-your help was very much appreciated.

I hope you like these pictures of your amazing children during Science Week.

Have a great weekend.