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Talk Homework:

Discuss how you think fossils are formed, have you got any fossils at home? Or have you seen any? What creature do you think they are? Are there any features your fossil has that you think could link to species today?

We have enjoyed sharing what we learnt from our Litter Pick this week, we were looking forward to sharing it with you at our Open Day, but as we can't, we have made some displays for you to see the work that we have completed. If you would like to see it, it will be on the green by the bus shelter, over the weekend.

We really enjoyed learning about Woodpecker's in Science, and how they have adapted to be able to get their prey. We had a fun Science lesson creating a home to protecting an egg, to see if when dropped it broke or not. 

We also enjoyed our Reading Comprehension where we learnt about the adaptations of Camels.

In maths we have been learning the chunking methods, it is a tricky skill to learn, but with more practice we are getting there!