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Friday 24th September

TALK HOMEWORK:  Share what we found out about litter in Buckden when we went out in the village?  How do you think we can best reduce litter in Buckden and why is it important to do this?

In Maths, we have been drawing bar graphs to show the different types of litter that we found in Buckden.  We used this data to plan letters to send to the Parish Council persuading them to put more litter bins around the village.  In school, our Eco-Warriors have been litter picking on the field at break and lunchtime to try and help keep our school environment tidy.

In PE, we enjoyed learning the points of the compass ready for our orienteering challenge.  We are also working with Miss Lizell to practise our football skills. 

We have also been playing games and solving puzzles using Roman Numberals – we have had to learn some really big numbers!

In Science, we all got a chance to finish our presentations about the planets and have shared them with the class.