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Friday 8th October

Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion.  Two of the pieces are due on Tuesday, the remaining two are due on Thursday.  You can also do extra practise tasks should you wish to.  Also remember to read over the weekend and go onto TT Rockstars.

Riley:  I have enjoyed our Global Learning lessons this week.  We have been researching about animals that live on the Galapagos Islands, and are planning our own piece of Non-Fiction writing about our chosen animal.

Emma:  I have enjoyed RE today where we had to design our own t-shirt with a slogan on it that represented a humanist view of the world.

Bella:  I have enjoyed Maths this week because it has been quite challenging.  We have been learning about composite, prime, cubed and square numbers and also multiples and factors.  

Valarie:  I am really enjoying our Power of Reading book 'The Last Wild'.  We have looked at the positive and negative views of the main character, Kester.