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Friday 15th October


Please complete the tasks set on SATs Companion.  There are four tasks for you to do, two of these are due on Tuesday, the remaining two are due on Thursday.

Also remember to read regularly and note this is in your reading records.

Try to visit Times Tables Rockstars to keep your Maths skills sharp!

Molly: I have enjoyed English this week where we had to write a News Script from the point of view of Stone Media.  I am really enjoying our Power of Reading book and I am excited to find out what will happen next.

Sofia:  I have enjoyed our Global Learning this week where we got to write up our Non-Fiction texts about an animal from the Galapagos Islands.  I chose to write about a Lava Gull and I know that it is the rarest gull in the whole world!

Riley:  I have enjoyed doing some problem solving in Maths today where we were given SATs style questions all about Factors, Multiples and Prime Numbers.  Some of the questions were really challenging but after reading them carefully I understood how to solve them.