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Friday 15th October 2021

TALK HOMEWORK:  Talk about how you think our Power of Reading book will end.  Can you predict what we happen to Bradley?  Discuss why you think this.

Year 5 have had another fantastic week.  In Maths, we have been busy looking at number sequences and trying to solve lots of different puzzles to work out the missing numbers. 

In English, we have learnt how to write a play script and used an important moment in our Power of Reading book as the focus for our own play script.  We are hoping to have an opportunity to perform these to each other next week.

In Global Learning, we began to discuss all the key changes in Education in the last 100 years.  Going to school now is very different to in 1921!  We also spent most of Friday creating our Art collages based on the work of Jeannie Baker.  They used a range of herbs and spices so they not only looked amazing but smelt amazing too!

We finished our week with our Interhouse Football competition which we all really enjoyed.

Have a wonderful weekend!