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Blog 22.10.21

Talk Homework: Practice on TTrockstars and have a lovely half-term

We have been learning about Sir Ernest Shackleton this week, and we enjoyed making a fact file about him. 

We have also been practising our speeches and writing them. They are about the environment, and we watched Wangari's Nobel Peace Prize speech to help us. 

Also, this week we have enjoyed playing Net Ball matches against Walnut class. 

We enjoyed playing football with a rugby ball with Lizell. We also did the crossbar challenge. 

In maths we have been practising exchanging with addition of 4-digit numbers. 

We also had a surprise flood, probably from the heavy rain on Wednesday. 

On Tuesday we performed the play for the last time to KS2. It was recorded, and a link will be sent out to Year 4 parents as soon as it is ready.