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Friday 22nd October

Homework:  Using the plan your created in your draft books, write the next chapter following on from The Last Wild.  Aim to write one side of A4.  Your chapter can be either hand-written or typed.  Please bring it into school on Tuesday 2nd November.  Please also complete the two tasks set on SATs Companion.

Riley:  I have really enjoyed our book, The Last Wild.  I like the way the story ended on a cliff-hanger and I am eager to read the other books in the trilogy.

Valarie:  This week in Cathedral Day we were asked to write a monologue.  We listened to stories spoken by 2 victims of slavery and we had to write from their perspective.  I liked having the freedom to take their stories in any way that I chose.

Sofia:  In Art we have been studying different animals found in the Galapagos Islands.  This week we were asked to use tools to carve an image of our chosen animal in plaster of paris.  I was really proud of my finished piece.