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Friday 5th November

Homework:  Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion, two tasks are due on Tuesday, the remaining two are due on Thursday.  Remember to read every day and record 3 reading sessions in your Reading Records ready for Monday.  Please also revise your spellings for this week ready for your quiz on Monday.

Valarie:  I enjoyed learning the Charleston on Tuesday.  The step was very challenging but we are hoping that we can learn a dance involving the step before the end of term.

Paige:  I enjoyed designing our Christmas cards this week.  We were given some ideas and had the freedom to choose any design we wanted.  

Seb:  This week we have looked at some World War One poetry.  We watched an animated video of 3 of the poems and were asked to write our own.  My poem was about how a soldier felt when he was in the trenches.  Some of the poems are going to be on display in Church at the Remembrance Day Service.