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Friday 19th November

Homework: Please complete the tasks set for you on SATs Companion.  Complete two of them by Tuesday and the remaining two by Thursday.  Your spelling words for next week are: appreciate, communicate, definite, exaggerate, harass, marvellous, persuade, relevant, stomach, vehicle.

Emma: This week we looked at a selection of World War One recruitment posters.  We were asked to design our own which had to include a slogan and an illustration.  We used powder paints and had to mix the appropriate colours to use.  I really enjoyed it and was proud of my work.

Sofia: Today we were allowed to come to school in fancy dress and we gave a donation to Children In Need.  Mrs Heather made us all jump in Assembly when she galloped out from behind the curtain riding a camel!

Annabell:  I have enjoyed PE this week.  We played a tag rugby match as well as a side match of walking rugby, which was really challenging because it was hard not to run!