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Friday 26th November


  1. Please complete the tasks set for you on SATs Companion.  Two tasks should be completed by Tuesday and the remaining two by Thursday next week. 
  2. Remember to read every day and record three of these reading sessions in your reading diary - these will be checked on a Monday. 
  3. Your spelling words for next week are: attached, community, desperate, excellent, hindrance, mischievous, physical, restaurant, sufficient, yacht.

Darcey: This week in English we had a drama lesson where we had to read letters written from the book we are reading.  We had to show lots of expression to enable our audience to understand how the characters were feeling.

Caleb: I found PSHE really interesting this week.  We learnt about all the different types of abuse - how to recognise them and how to seek help for ourselves or for a friend.

Emma:  In PE this week we learnt a new section of our Charleston Dance.  The new steps are quite challenging and made us laugh!