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Friday 7th January

Homework: Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion.  Two of them should be completed by Tuesday and the remaining two by Thursday.  Remember to read at home every day and record your reading three times per week in your reading diaries - these will be checked every Monday morning.  Your spellings for this week are: merciful, plentiful, beautiful, fearful, faithful, boastful, doubtful, thankful, pitiful, fanciful. 

Jessie:  This week we have been learning about the different ways we can punctuate our sentences.  I found this really useful and I know how I can improve my writing.

Valarie:  We have read and listened to some Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling.  We drew pictures to help us remember the stories and then tried to re-tell them in our own words.  This was really challenging!

Liliana:  We had a go at some past SATs Papers this week.  It was hard having to concentrate for such a long time and remember all the things we had been taught, but I am pleased with how it went.