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Friday 28th January

Homework:  Please complete the four tasks set for you on SATs Companion.  Two of the tasks need to be completed by Tuesday next week, the remaining two by Thursday.  Remember to read every day and record your reading in your reading records on three occasions - reading records will be checked every Monday. Your spelling words for next week are: prejudice, nuisance, hindrance, sacrifice, cemetery, certificate, celebrate, necessary, deceased, December.

Darcey:  This week in PSCHE we have been talking about alcohol and how it affects the teenage brain.  I found it interesting to learn about what can happen if people have too much alcohol.

Bella G:  I enjoyed planning our 'Just So Stories' in English.  We used pictures to present the chain of events, and I am looking forward to writing up our work next week.

Caleb:  Algebra has been very interesting to learn about, I enjoyed finding rules and calculating values.  It was fun because we got to draw fairy cakes!