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Friday 4th February 2022

Talk Homework: Why is it important to keep track of birds in the local area

Daily Reading

TT Rockstars

This has been a very busy and challenging penultimate week in Elder Class.

In Maths we have been looking at money where we have found some parts easy and some parts a lot more challenging, but we have risen to the challenge.

In English, we have been building up to write a setting description based on what Samson Island could look like from our sorry of 'Why the Whales Came' and have continued reading more, although we are now mostly through the book and wondering when the whales will actually be coming.

On our Foundation day, we were learning about music and composed our own sea scape. Then used our computing skills to record it and upload it to a document.

Finally, in our PE, we were rehearsing our life below water, dance pieces.