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Friday 11th March

Homework: Four tasks have been set for you on SATs Companion.  Two of these should be completed by Tuesday and the remaining two by Thursday next week.  Remember to read every day and record three of these sessions in your reading diaries - these will be checked every Monday.  Your spelling words for next week are: antisocial, official, superficial, special, artificial, social, racial, crucial, facial, beneficial.

Annabell: This week in PSHE we have been talking about Gender Identity.  We looked at stereotypical boy/girl clothes, hobbies, expectations and challenged these by designing our own planets where young people could just be people and were not put into groups.  We suggested things like clothes in shops organised by colour or size rather than gender and mixed sports teams rather than girls/boys.

Riley: In English this week we have been writing a Balanced Argument about whether animal organs should be used for human transplants.  It was interesting to find out about the reasons why people were for or against this argument.

Darcey:  I enjoyed working on our Rosa Parks dance in PE this week.  We worked in groups and it was fun to listen to everyone's ideas, we then incorporated these together.