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Spellings – fresher, quicker, unhappy, hardest, darkest.

Homework –

Spellings – fresher, quicker, unhappy, hardest, darkest.

Talk homework

To talk about what we can do to support local people that are in need of food.

Abacus - The children can access this resource via the website and complete one game as their Mathematics homework. 

The children have their own log in details, these can be found in their reading diaries. The school code is kmm7 in the bottom box.


Please see the letter regarding reading expectations in the front of your child’s reading diary. Please ensure your child has their reading folder in school every day. The children will bring home a weekly reading for pleasure book, as well as their reading book. This is to share together and promote a love for reading.


Practice reading, writing and sound buttons on your real and nonsense words.

Welcome back! We hope you had an amazing Easter Holiday.

It has been a lovely, but very quick week with you all.

It has been an exciting start to our Global learning topic 'Zero Hunger'. The children explored how it feels to really want a food product and not be able to have it ALL day. The children had a bowl of Maltesers at the front of the class and were not able to eat them. We had some great discussions about what hunger is, how some families might not have food available to them and what we can do to help them. The children were very thoughtful and compassionate, well-done Year 1!

In Mathematics we have been Measuring and comparing Mass. It was fun using the scales to compare a range of classroom objects.

In Science our new topic is ‘Plants’ and we have had a great lesson planting our Sunflower seeds ready to watch and observe these growing.

Within English we are starting a new text, but we can’t reveal the title yet, it’s a surprise!


The Year 1 email address in a direct way of contacting the Year One Team –

Have a safe and happy weekend.