Friday 20th May 2022

Talk homework: Please join in with The Big Plastic Count (a sheet will come home for you to record your plastic waste onto)
Finley enjoyed P.E. on Wednesday when the class had to quickly line up in register order and then raced to see who was the fastest across the field equipment. George sprinted as fast as he could. Isla F has enjoyed all of her maths work this week. Lucas has enjoyed maths too this week especially when we used our doubling and halving skills. Ella wrote descriptive sentences about Atir, a character in our book in English this week and used conjunctions to extend her sentences. Harry Ellis is loving an arithmetic challenge at the moment! Elliott really enjoyed Global learning this week when we tested ourselves with a vocabulary challenge. Ivy loved using her senses this week to imagine a scene and then wrote descriptive sentences ready for when we write a setting description next week!
Have a lovely weekend
Maple class