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20th May 2022

Talk Homework:

- Discuss the word arachnid. What does it mean?

- Continue reading a minimum of 3 times each week. 

This week was all about worms. The children learned lots of facts about worms from this week's literacy focus book Yucky Worms by Vivian French. We had an exciting show and tell when Sophie brought in her bunnies to show her friends! We learned all about how to look after rabbits and we got to stroke them -- they are so soft! In maths we've been exploring the ordinality of numbers, using the game Snakes and Ladders to practise counting on from a number. In PSHE, we've been discussing how to look after money and the safest places to keep money if we receive it as a gift. In PE, we continue to develop our skills in preparation for Sports Day. This week we practised jumping, thinking about how we can use our arms to help us jump far. Have a lovely weekend!