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Friday 8th July

Homework: Please complete the Maths section of your Get Ahead booklet for Hinchingbrooke.  If you have any brightly coloured socks (spotted or striped) that we could use on our washing line in our play, please bring these to school on Monday - they will be returned to you after the play.  Please also have a carrier bag in your school bag next week - you will be bringing your school books home.

Darcey:  This week we have had transition week at Hinchingbrooke school.  In one of our assemblies we were introduced to our teachers and got to find out some interesting facts about them.

Bella G:  In my form we did some Science work.  Someone stole our teacher's laptop and we had to solve clues involving ink on paper to find out who was the thief - it was lots of fun.

Riley:  In our Geography lesson at Hinchingbrooke we were talking about natural disasters.  We made some Top Trumps cards to record information about them - then we got to play top trumps.  I think I will enjoy Geography next year.