Friday 14th October 2022
Talk Homework: Please can you collect some conkers for us to plant next week!
Spellings: glue, blue, rescue, true, clue
In PE, we have been learning about how to pass the ball whilst moving in rugby and dribbling in our ball skills session. In English, we have been learning about lions and have enjoyed the book 'One Day on our Blue Planet... Savannah'. We have researched facts using different sources such as videos, books and fact files to help us to write our own this week! We have also learnt about conjunctions and applied these to our writing. In geography, we have been creating a map of our school field including a title, key, compass points and consideration of scale. We loved being outside exploring our field and adding trees to our- we made sure bigger trees were evidently bigger and used symbols to represent their aerial perspective. In history, we have been learning about the life of David Attenborough and arranging his life events on a timeline. We loved taking this outdoors to arrange events we had drawn to form his timeline in teams! In RE, we looked at ways Christians thank god and how they show their appreciation for his teachings.
Mila- 'I enjoyed learning about nouns, adjectives and verbs!'
Isla-Rose- 'I enjoyed learning about aerial view and when we were drawing the trees outside on our map- they looked like clouds!'
Shruthi- 'I've enjoyed maths!'
Harry- 'I've enjoyed drawing a butterfly in art'
Jimmy- 'I've enjoyed maths!'
If you have an indoor plant which you wouldn't mind donating to our classroom please, it would be gratefully received!
Happy Friday!
Miss Bennett