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Friday 6th January 2023

Spellings: Steve, thief, field, theme, leek, cheek

Talk Homework: Can you make a list of all of the times you use water in one day? Can you tell your friends and family where our local water comes from?

This week we have worked incredibly hard! In maths, we have been focusing on multiples of 2, 5 and 10- we have even linked these to repeated addition number sentences! In English, we have started our new focus book, The Lonely Beast, we have enjoyed predicting events, asking questions, considering his feelings and performing parts of the story. In Geography, we have been learning where our water comes from. We identified water sources and how our local water reaches our taps. We loved using digital maps to locate Grafham Water, Grafham and Buckden. We learnt that there are many uses for water such as drinking, washing, showering, cooking and cleaning. In RE we have been learning about compassion and how Muslims show compassion as a result of Allah's teachings. In PE, we have started our gymnastics unit- we have learnt different ways of travelling and balancing. In history, we have been learning about the Great Stink... ask us some facts! In science, we have learnt about germs and how they cause disease, we discussed symptoms of different illnesses and identified how important it is to wash our hands.

Olivia E- 'I have enjoyed doing maths when we did our 10 times tables'

Ava T- 'I have enjoyed learning about The Great Stink!'

Henry- 'I have enjoyed PE when we were balancing'

Harry- 'I enjoyed doing my times tables'

Mila- 'I have enjoyed doing 2s, 5s and 10s in maths!'

Happy Friday!

Miss Bennett