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Friday 6th January

1.) Remember to read for 20 minutes each day and record your reading on Boom Reader. 

2.) There are 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion - please complete these by next Wednesday.

3.) Revise this week's spelling words ready for a quiz on Monday: plentiful, fearful, beautiful, merciful, faithful, boastful, doubtful, thankful, fanciful, pitiful.

Enzo:  I enjoyed playing dodgeball in PE this week.

Elysia:  In Maths we learnt how to divide decimals.  The questions looked really hard but when we tried we found that it was just the same as dividing whole numbers using the bus stop method - we just had to make sure we added the decimal point in the right place.

Susie:  We had a big spelling assessment this week which I really enjoyed doing!

Nancy:  In English we have been studying the author Rudyard Kipling.  I really enjoyed find out about his life and what inspired him to write stories.