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Class blog 13.01.23

Spelling – merriment, happiness, plentiful, penniless, happily, prettiest, nastiness, beautiful, pitiful, silliness, hole

Talk homework – tell your family about the states of matter and give them some examples.

TT – Rockstars practice

Boomreader – log in your reading details – pages number / unknown words / comments

In Maths, where we learnt how to multiply and divide by 10 and 100.

In PE, we learnt how to pass and receive the ball in hockey which the children found interesting.

We have been introduced to some new characters in our Power of Reading book who are both funny and interesting.

We relaxed into our Art lessons whilst we learnt how the tone and colours can affect emotions.

Some of us thought handwriting practice was both useful and pleasant.

In Science, we have been grouping our different states of matter, and we decided that this was a worthwhile and amusing lesson.

Some of us summed the whole week up by saying we enjoyed everything this week.