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Friday 27th January, 2023

Talk homework: Tell your parents how to use the multiplication and division skills you have learnt.

Week beg 23.01.23:

What a great week we have had!

We have written character descriptions in English. They were amazing. Everyone managed to create a character that would suit dystopian fiction. They drew it, then they wrote it. I was truly impressed by some of their writing, and it would be a pleasure to send home if your child wants to share it with you. 

In Maths, we've done brilliantly with short division - Riley has really enjoyed the challenge. I hope you'll be able to help students with their SATS Companion homework this week as it has been chosen to consolidate their understanding before we begin fractions next week. 

In Art, we had lots of fun finishing our willow sculptures and started to cover them in PVA/tissue paper. Ida has also enjoyed beginning our DT project exploring levers and linkages.

History saw us learning about Danelaw and why the Vikings were so successful in invading Britain. The children had lots of insightful suggestions.

In PE, we're developing our shooting skills in hockey and have begun benchball. 

We hope you have a lovely weekend.