Friday 3rd February 2023
Spellings: school, chorus, chemical, cheese, chef, machine
Talk to your adults about how you can help your family. Maybe talk about a responsibility that you could have.
In English, we have been planning our own adventure story- we have enjoyed looking at the six parts of our story in detail including the character, setting, problem, attempts at solving the problem and the ending. In maths, we have been focusing on division, looking at both sharing and grouping methods. In PE, we have been finalising our routines inclusive of travel and shape in gymnastics and improving our defending techniques in netball. In history, we have been researching the history of toilets! How exciting... ask us about the 'poo stick'... it has been the learning highlight of our week apparently! In geography, we had a great time exploring our outdoor environment through fieldwork to find sources of water around our school. We know that Grafham is crucial for local people because it provides us clear water which we use to drink and clean with- ask us other ways we use water! In art, we have finished adding plaits, knots, fraying and detail to our fabric germs. In RE, we made connections between key vocabulary learnt through Islam, including prayer, Ramandan, giving and fasting.
Ava P- 'I enjoyed writing my character description and using it in my plan in English'
Olivia H- ' I enjoyed finding places with water in geography outside'
Jacob & Seb- 'I enjoyed geography when we drew a map'
Mila' 'I enjoyed geography and doing our water sources journey map'
Happy weekend!
Miss Bennett