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Class blog 10.02.23

Spellings - invention, injection, migration, stagnation, nomination, selection, completion, action, communication, hesitation, you're

Talk homework - share your ending of Oliver and the Seawigs with your adults.

TT Rockstars + Boomreader

We have and a busy half term.

Our Roman Day was a success! Thank you all so much for providing the children with such great costumes.  We used all our learning of the Romans and created a video that explained what happened in key Roman locations.

We completed our ending for Oliver and the Seawig and produced some amazing stories.

In Maths, we have completed multiplication and division and will be moving onto fractions next term.

Today, we had Hockey Interhouse with many Year 4 players taking part.

Hope you all have lots of rest and an enjoyable half term!