End of half-term
Week beg 6.2.23
It's the end of a very busy, but productive, half-term with the highlights from Acorn being Maths, DT and Art. Many pupils are looking forward to seeing their finished turtles and jellyfish on display in school. They found both DT and Art challenging, but they each showed creativity, problem-solving and determination so should be exceptionally proud of themselves. We've also had a demanding 6 weeks of Maths, covering long multiplication, short division and beginning fractions, which will continue throughout next half-term.
I've sent home optional Maths homework for pupils to practice their prior learning - please feel free to support them with their tasks as necessary. This is an optional activity to be done over half-term or as continued practice, but ongoing practice on place value, long multiplication and short division will benefit their progress. There are no spellings or SATS Companion homework this holiday, but please do read and be ready to complete an AR quiz on return to school.
Acorn have also enjoyed learning about the Anglo-Saxon and Viking invasion of Britain, and I'm sure will become equally fascinated by their new topic next term - the ancient Maya civilisation. We will also begin learning about what makes a sustainable building and city as we learn about architects and architecture in geography, art and DT.
We hope you have a lovely rest and see you in a week.
Mrs Schmidt