Week beg 17.4.23

Talk Homework: Explain to your adults why Britain declared war on Germany
It's been a great first week back. We've begun our new text in English, The Street Child, based in the Victorian era, and have been learning about our protagonist Jim Jarvis. We've begun our new History topic with looking at the beginning of World War II and will swiftly be moving on to life on the British home front in the coming weeks.
In Math, we've begun to link our fraction knowledge from last term with decimals as we learn the decimal equivalents to fractions, focusing on tenths and hundredths. We'll be moving on to thousandths next week.
On Monday, we'll be baking artisan bread for our DT project. As mentioned in my email earlier this week, we will provide all the basic ingredients for the bread, however pupils are expected to bring in their own additional ingredients that have been decided between themselves and their partner. Please do not forget to bring in your ingredient/s.
Year 5 also had the chance to audition for roles in our year-group play this week and all who attended blew Mrs Anderson and me away. Some pupils sang, recited poetry with bundles of personality and even wrote their own pieces to ensure it was suitable – the calibre of auditions make our play an exciting prospect. Whilst the main roles were allocated today, the final casting will be announced on Monday with scripts and costume suggestions to be sent home soon after. The performances are due to take part during the last week of term.
Our spellings are really important as we head towards the end of the year. With only three months until they become Year 6, it's crucial that they put the effort into learning these essential spellings as part of their Year 5 targets. As Year 5s, it is also their responsibility to collect a spelling practice sheet from the front of the class (available every Monday and thereafter) to take home.
Our spellings this week focus on modal adverbs, indicating the possibility of an event:
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Schmidt