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26th May 2023

Talk Homework- Next half term our topic is 'Around the World in ?? Days'. Talk with your child about the wider world, countries they may know and look at a world map or globe.

Reading at least 3 times a week and record on Boom reader.

Finn- I have been outside and I collected lots of stones. I counted them and there was 152!

Abigail- We went to the church to celebrate baby Ruby with Father David.

Holly- We made a fire pit outside. We didn't make any flames but we did find apple seeds.

George- We played cat and mouse with the parachute and we have been learning about birds.

Bode- Our story this week was Puffin Peter.

Safiya- Puffins like to stay on their island. In the story a whale helped to find Peter's friend Paul again.

Levi- When we were camping we used binoculars to find birds and we planted King Charles' wild flowers around the trees.

Caiden- we have been learning how to subtract.