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Talk homework - Talk to your adults at home about the Ancient Sumers and the similarities and differences they have with us.

Spellings - illegal, illegible, immature, immortal, impatient, imperfect, irregular, irrelevant, irresponsible, impossible, there.

TT Rockstars - The battle between the classes is going strong - remember to practise every day.

Reading - read for 15 minutes a night and you can do your AR quiz when you are back in school.

Year 4 have been busy doing auditions for our performance.  We are hoping to have the script ready for next week. 

In PE, we have been outside playing rugby and netball where the children have been learning about teamwork.

We have been developing our English skills by using inverted commas and modal verbs in our work.

In Maths, we are looking ten thousands and how to add and subtract 1, 10, 100 and 1000 to these.

Hope you have a relaxing, restful weekend.