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22nd September 2023

Talk homework: What facts do you know about bears, lynx's and wolves?

Spellings for next week: compare long /e/ (/ie/e_e/e/)

Adding endings to split digraph words and other words ending in 'e'

Common Exception words: even, people

Homophomes: be/bee

When asked about their favourite things this week, dodge ball was a clear winner. We would normally have had PE outside but due to the rain had to improvise with our ball skills in the hall. 

In English we have started to look at non cronologial reports on animals and will look into the animals from our book so we can write our own next week. 

We have finished the week in maths by comparing numbers and using the less than, greater than and equals symbols. 

We have also enjoyed a few clips of Sir David Attenborough over the week as part of our history/global learning and english.