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Friday 29th September 2023

The children will be sent home with their PE kits ready for the Park Run this Sunday. 

Talk Homework: Discuss what life was like at school in the Victorian times.

Spellings: 'ou' sound - you will be tested on Monday.

out, loud, shout, found, round. 

Reading: Please ensure you are reading and logging it on boom reader. We check this daily. Reading books will change dependent on how many times it is being read/logged.

The children have had a fantastic week, they have thoroughly enjoyed our shared reading book 'An Outing In The Woods' and learning our new phonics sound 'ie' 'tie your tie'.

The children have been writing about Beegu this week in their first person, it is great to see such fantastic ideas coming through in their work and their understanding of how Beegu might be feeling.

Within DT the children had a fantastic afternoon exploring how to join cardboard together and experimenting with tabs ahead of our project nearer the end of term.

We have had a lovely day celebrating our 'Mini G' today. We have completed giraffe facts in English, giraffe maths (one more and one less) looking at their spots and some great art which will go on our Giraffe.

Have a great weekend.

The Year 1 Team