
Year 4 had an exciting week as we finally got to distribute the play parts, please take the time over the weekend to look over the script and think about actions and costume ideas. We have completed our learning for rounding to 10, 100 and 1000's and becoming quite confident with Roman numerals. We have written some beautiful sentences using fronted adverbials. Next week, we are looking forward to completing our fact files about the Amazon rainforest using levers and flaps in DT.
Talk homework: There are more than 70 words in here. How many can you find? Can you beat your adult? Maybe you can work together to spot as many as possible. Good Luck and enjoy.
Spellings: interact, intercity, international, interfere, interview, intercept, intercom, internet, interchange, interface
Reminders: whiteboard pens, rules, pencils, PE kits, practise your lines for Monday.
TT Rockstars - please practise.
Reading - please read for 15 minutes a day. There is no longer BOOM reader for Year 4s but they will still be doing AR quizzes in school.