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Friday 20th October

Half-term is Here!!  

There are no spellings this week due to half-term, but please continue to listen to your child read at least 3 times over the week.

This week in school the children have continued their learning about senses. We have looked at different animals and the different senses they use and why. Continuing with our sense's work, the children have started to explore Autumn. They went on an autumn walk, using their senses to observe things around them and using the leaves they collected, they have also created the most beautiful leafmen.

In English we have been exploring a  story map and have looked at descriptive words and phrases to describe the dark dark wood.

During maths we have been finding numbers bonds to 10. We have also been reading numbers in words, thinking about which ones we can sound out and which are the tricky words!

We have had lots of reports that the children have been sharing their fantastic french with you at home. Because of this we have attached the link to the song lyrics so that you can all sing along together! 

The children have made a fantastic start to the school year and hope you have a good half term.

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