Friday 3rd November
Spellings: actual, circle, bicycle, fruit, enough, answer, often
Talk homework: Are you confident with your 3 x table?
Remember to read your AR book at least 3 times a week
Please go on TT Rockstars
Another busy week in year 3. The children are loving our new CLPE book which is set in The Stone Age. We have been exploring the characters and the interesting style it is written in. In maths, we are now adding and subtracting three-digit numbers and ones where we cross the ten barrier, e.g. 127+8= In Science, we are learning about fossil formation and how it links to our knowledge of rock formation. We also learnt about the life of Mary Anning, a famous palaeontologist. In Computing, we used PurpleMash to investigate how to write an algorithm to make vehicles move at different speeds along a motorway. In PSHE, we considered what a 'bully' really is and how to recognise bullying behaviours. Our PE subjects this term are Gymnastics and Netball. In RE, we thought hard about the messages in the story of John the Baptist. We are constantly perfecting our handwriting and trying to practise our spelling. Our Global Goal this term is Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. We will be considering innovations from the past in Ancient Greece and how the transport system in this country has developed. In Art, we will be sketching Greek pots and learning the skill of Relief printing. We finished the week, thinking about how we could 'Cut our Carbon' to help our planet stay healthy.
Have a fantastic weekend
Year 3