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Friday 24th November 2023

Spellings: misunderstanding, mislead, misplace, misuse, mistake, misbehave

Talk Homework: Can you find some adverts or leaflets and identify some persuasive features within them?

Another great week Year 3! In maths we have been mastering column addition with no regrouping- we have focused on identifying the values of each digit and ensuring that our digits are aligned to the correct column. In English we have been identifying features of persuasive writing including exaggeration, emotive language, rhetorical questions and conjunctions. Our highlight this week has been designing our own city linking to our SDG: Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure- we all tried really hard to include elements of sustainability, recognising its value for future generations. In geography, we have been learning about urbanisation and reasons people move from rural areas to the city. We learnt about the advantages of infrastructure, amenities, employment and diversity. We recognised that this would result in an increase in the population in cities and a decline within rural areas. In science, we have learnt about contact and non-contact forces in our daily lives and the impacts these have on the world around us. In PE, we have been practising our passes and positions in preparation for a match. In RE, we have been learning about baptism and wrote our own commentary including The Trinity. In PSHE, we discussed what qualities make a good friend and recognised that trust, honesty and kindness are key to maintaining healthy, positive friendships. 

Hope you have a great weekend!

Year 3