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Friday 8th December

Talk homework - Tell an adult at home about your story. 

Reading - read daily and use Boom Reader

Maths - 3 x 15minutes a week on numbots Numbots Game 

Spelling - we will be reviewing sounds learnt this half term

Willow - When we were making our police badges, there was a lot of detail to put. I've really enjoyed using the mark making tools. 

Amber - I enjoyed doing our play this week, because it is turning out very good. 

Louie - I've enjoyed English, where we've been looking at lift the flap books and planning our books to share with receptions. 

Conor - I enjoyed when we were doing spellings and I enjoyed making the police badges. I've enjoyed RE and play practice. 

Eloise - Ive enjoyed play practice because I liked performing to the school yesterday before we went home. 

Georgiana - I've enjoyed when were doing our handwriting because it was really challenging and we were learning how to do joined up letters. 

Toby - We finished our class reader and I enjoyed the book. (The day I fell into a fairy tale) 

Dylan - I've enjoyed maths because I like exchanging the 10s for 10 ones.