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Friday 9th February

Spellings: describe, imagine, library, ordinary, promise, recent, suppose

TT Rockstars 20 minutes three times a week

Reading daily for 20 mins

Another busy week in year 3. We are making good progress preparing for our production. The children are beginning to remember their lines and are rehearsing the songs whenever there is time. 

In science we have learnt some names of bones in our skeleton and today we had a lot of fun learning how muscles contract and expand to move our bones. We drew arm bones on the table and modelled which muscle contracts and which extends to facilitate the movement.We also know the skull bone protects our brain just like a crash helmet. 

In maths we are learning flexible division which has challenged us a little bit but we are getting more confident  each day. 

In English, we wrote persuasive letters and have continued to read Why the Whales Came. In geography, we continued our learning about the effect the sea can have on our coastline. In R.E. we considered how Hindu children take responsibility for helping the people that are important to them.  We watched a film about The Scared Thread Ceremony that Hindu children take part in and it was a beautiful film to watch. 

In art we made 3D clay fish models based on our Scarpace designs. They are amazing and the children worked really hard to add form to their design with additions of shapes, lines and patterns. Once they are fired in the kiln we will be adding glaze to add coulour. 

Have a great weekend

Year 3