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Blog 28.3.24

Homework - 

Maths - Numbots 15 minutes 3 times a week

Reading - Daily and record on Boom Reader

Spellings - Non over Easter but if you would like to look at previous blogs to practice previous words and rules, please do :) 

Hayley - I've enjoyed art because we were making our Easter cards and we were shading with coloured pencils. 

Sophie - I've enjoyed when were doing English with Mrs Keeting, we had to do what we liked about An Invitation to a Party. 

Emily H - I enjoyed when we were doing the Waltz to the music. 

Ruby - I enjoyed maths when were learning about fractions. 

Delilah - I've enjoyed when were doing PE and learning about the Waltz. 

Eloise - I've enjoyed maths because I've really enjoyed it and it's really tricky. 

Jonathon - I've enjoyed this week doing our art and shading and our faces. 

Mia - I've enjoyed doing English because it is fun to end it and learn if she got out of the tower or not. 

Willow - I enjoyed doing spellings because we've been learning how to join up our writing and learn words.