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Friday 4th October

Please ensure you are logging all reading on Boomreader. We have sent home letterjoin logins for you all to access our online platform we use within school to help with letter formation at home. Please make sure you are doing at least numbots at least 20 minutes a week. 

This week the children have had a busy week with their learning. They have been looking at the 'ea' sound within their Phonics 'time for tea'.

In maths we have started to understand the part whole model. Understanding that the whole number is made of parts and the children have been great using resources to show this. This will help underpin their learning for the forthcoming addition and subtraction lessons.

In English the children wrote their own poems all about Beegu and how Beegu is feeling. They used their knowledge of adjectives and came up with some beautiful ideas.

Within art we have started to look at shapes and how to infill shapes. We have looked at the outside of Buckden school. Tracing the shapes and infilling them with different tools.