Friday 13th December
Spellings - this week is a Review and Consolidation Week. We will be going over all the rules we have learnt this half term. Please look back at previous blogs if you would some words to practice. Or practice the Common Expeception Words for Year 2 (wild, child, gold, climb, find, water, beautiful, because, people, again. These are just some examples).
Maths - numbats
Reading - please read daily and record on boom reader
This week we have been writing a diary entry as if we were Philip from the Magic Finger. It was wonderful to imagine what it would be like to fly with wings, and to think about how difficult life could be without hands.
In maths we've been working really hard on multiplication. We have spent a long time trying to learn our 2 times tables.
During RE we've been learning about what Christians do to celebrate Christmas.
Our PE this week was a calming, meditative yoga session.
During Geography we used maps to work out where the nearest police station was and why it was there.