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Friday 10th January

Our spellings this week are: plentiful, fearful, beautiful, merciful, faithful, boastful, doubtful, thankful, fanciful, pitiful.  Please ensure you know these and are ready for our quiz on Monday.

Please complete the 4 tasks set for you on SATs Companion by next Tuesday.

Make sure you watch an episode of News Round this weekend and be ready to write about a memorable news story on Monday.

Continue to read each day at home for a period of at least 20 minutes and the children should record this in their reading diaries with a parent initial.  Make sure reading diaries are in school on Monday so they can be checked.

Annie:  This week in PE we had our first lesson of NFL Flag.  We learnt how to full flag and the different ways to throw and catch the ball.

Kitty:  In English we have been looking at Just So Stories by Rudyard Kipling.  We created storyboards and then retold the stories orally using repetition and memorable language.

Kara:  I enjoyed playing Hockey with Mr Jenner.  We were taught how to pass and receive the ball.